About Us

FrenchRouletteLive.com is curated by a single person. The purpose is to discover, educate and experience all aspects of the French roulette game variation in order to give you the best information possible as to how to play, where to play, systems you can try and what to avoid. It is my new primary project in a long and diverse series of websites begun in 1996, but one that I intend to concentrate upon. Registered 2020-09-12

While the focus of this website is internet-based live dealer French roulette games we include online computer based French roulette games as a necessary component in order to fully understand the differences and advantages. The main criteria for a French roulette game is the inclusion of the La Partage rule which gives this roulette version its low house advantage for even money bets.

Online French roulette is a manageable topic for discussion. Attempting to fully review roulette, or casino games in general, would be as impractical as “discovering the nature of everything”.